Individual therapy

There are many kinds of issues that talking therapies can help with and different reasons why you may be seeking support. Whilst there are different diagnoses that can be applied to emotional difficulties, not everyone finds labels helpful and getting to know you as well as your goals and challenges are the most important part of the process. The following are some issues that you may want support with.

  • Low mood or anxiety-related disorders including specific phobias or obsessive compulsive disorder

  • Trauma, including coming to terms with and moving on from oppression, childhood trauma or abuse

  • Managing distressing emotions such as anger, sadness or anxiety

  • Overcoming self-destructive behaviour such as self-harm, disordered eating or addiction

  • Relationship or interpersonal communication difficulties

  • Living with chronic or medically unexplained physical health problems such as pain

  • Emotional difficulties associated with developmental conditions such as Autism and ADHD

  • Shame, self-criticism and low self-worth

How I work


The initial assessment is an opportunity for you to begin exploring what has happened to you, what is currently working well and what is challenging, and to clarify what you want to gain from therapy. I work from the premise that you are an active participant in therapy and hold choice and responsibility in how you wish to move forward. I will work collaboratively with you on acceptance of those aspects of life that cannot be changed and to work out an effective plan for what approaches, strategies and skills will best support you in moving forwards and reaching your goals.


Following the initial assessment we will discuss the possible frequency and length of treatment so that you can make an informed decision about further sessions. I follow the principles of trauma-informed care that prioritise safety; trustworthiness and transparency; signposting to sources of peer support; collaboration and mutuality; empowerment, voice and choice; and consideration of cultural issues. Approaches to therapy sessions may then include aspects of the following evidence-based therapies:

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Internal Family Systems (IFS)
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)-informed skills teaching
Compassion-focussed therapy


Whilst therapy is only part of your journey, the process of ending therapy can be daunting. Support will be provided on how to maintain progress you have made and to think about next steps. In the event that you require further support after ending therapy, I prioritise people I have seen previously for therapy who may want short-term follow-up sessions or to work on a different or new issue.